1 | <HTML> | |
2 | <HEAD> | |
3 | <TITLE>testform</TITLE> | |
4 | ||
5 | <STYLE TYPE="text/css"> | |
6 | ||
7 | .surveyTitle {font-family: Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; | |
8 | font-size: 18pt; | |
9 | font-weight: 800; | |
10 | } | |
11 | </STYLE> | |
12 | </HEAD> | |
13 | ||
14 | <BODY BGCOLOR="#FFFFFF" TEXT="#000000" LINK="#FF0000" VLINK="#006600"> | |
15 | ||
16 | <IMG SRC="logo.gif" ALIGN="bottom" WIDTH="75" HEIGHT="84"> | |
17 | <SPAN CLASS="surveyTitle">Customer Comment Form</SPAN> | |
18 | <HR> | |
19 | ||
20 | <BLOCKQUOTE> | |
21 | <P> | |
22 | This is a sample survey for a fictional company called DBA Logo, Inc. | |
23 | </P> | |
24 | ||
25 | <P> | |
26 | This is the one technique that will not work locally because it requires Perl to run the form-processing CGI (Perl is installed on most UNIX web servers). Read the instructions in Using Dreamweaver and the "mailform" CGI to create an e-mail form to learn how to modify this form for your own purposes and how to upload the CGI to your server. | |
27 | </P> | |
28 | ||
29 | <FORM ACTION="mailform.cgi" METHOD="post"> | |
<!-- The ACTION attribute of the FORM tag specifies the script that will process the form, in this case mailform.cgi. To use this sample, you'll need to put mailform.cgi on your server and set the file permissions so that it's executable (the default file permissions are read/write only). Ask your system administrator for assistance with this.
Valid values for the METHOD attribute include "get" and "post." The former returns field values concatenated to the URL; the latter returns individual values. The mailform.cgi script expects the METHOD to be post. |
30 | ||
31 | <INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="mailto" VALUE="you@yourdomain.com"> | |
<!-- The cgi script reads this hidden input field to find out to whom it should mail the form input. Put your e-mail address in the VALUE attribute for testing purposes; once you've got the script working, put the actual recipient's name there (if it's not you). If there are multiple recipients, separate their addresses with commas. --> |
32 | <INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="subject" VALUE="Comments from a customer"> | |
<!-- The cgi script reads this hidden input field to find out what should go in the subject line of the e-mail. Put a meaningful message in the VALUE attribute (one that's unique and specific, so that it's easy to spot and filter). --> |
33 | ||
<!-- Note that while form fields can be inside a table, the opening and closing FORM tags must be outside the table. --> |
35 | <TR VALIGN="top"> | |
36 | <TD ALIGN="right">Name:</TD> | |
37 | <TD ALIGN="left"><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="Name" SIZE="40,1" VALUE=""></TD> | |
<!-- The script will read this field, but it will not print it in the body of the e-mail message (currently the script puts the value of this field on the From: line of the message header). To make the value print in the body of the message, simply stick the letter F, a number, and an underscore (for example, F01_Name) at the beginning of the field name. --> |
38 | </TR> | |
39 | ||
40 | <TR VALIGN="top"> | |
41 | <TD ALIGN="right">E-mail:</TD> | |
42 | <TD ALIGN="left"><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="E-mail" SIZE="40,1" VALUE=""></TD> | |
43 | </TR> | |
44 | ||
45 | <TR VALIGN="top"> | |
46 | <TD ALIGN="right">The DBA Logo product I use most often is:</TD> | |
47 | <TD ALIGN="left"><SELECT NAME="F01_Product_used_most_often"> | |
48 | <OPTION>Container Corn | |
49 | <OPTION>The Wand Widget | |
50 | <OPTION>Labelicker | |
51 | <OPTION>Master Mailer | |
52 | <OPTION>StampIt | |
53 | </SELECT></TD> | |
54 | </TR> | |
55 | ||
56 | <TR VALIGN="top"> | |
57 | <TD ALIGN="right">I buy this product:</TD> | |
58 | <TD ALIGN="left"><INPUT TYPE="checkbox" NAME="F02_Buys_product_from" VALUE="catalog"> from the catalog<BR> | |
59 | <INPUT TYPE="checkbox" NAME="F02_Buys_product_from" VALUE="supermarket"> at my local supermarket<BR> | |
60 | <INPUT TYPE="checkbox" NAME="F02_Buys_product_from" VALUE="variety store"> at a variety store (e.g., K-Mart)<BR> | |
61 | <INPUT TYPE="checkbox" NAME="F02_Buys_product_from" VALUE="web site"> on the DBA Logo web site</TD> | |
62 | </TR> | |
63 | ||
64 | <TR VALIGN="top"> | |
65 | <TD ALIGN="right">I connect to the Internet:</TD> | |
66 | <TD ALIGN="left"><INPUT TYPE="checkbox" NAME="F03_Connects_to_Internet_from" VALUE="home"> at home<BR> | |
67 | <INPUT TYPE="checkbox" NAME="F03_Connects_to_Internet_from" VALUE="work"> at work<BR> | |
68 | <INPUT TYPE="checkbox" NAME="F03_Connects_to_Internet_from" VALUE="library/community center"> at the library/community center<BR> | |
69 | <INPUT TYPE="checkbox" NAME="F03_Connects_to_Internet_from" VALUE="library/community center"> at the library/community center<BR> | |
70 | <INPUT TYPE="checkbox" NAME="F03_Connects_to_Internet_from" VALUE="internet cafe"> at an internet cafe<BR> | |
71 | <INPUT TYPE="checkbox" NAME="F03_Connects_to_Internet_from" VALUE="somewhere else"> somewhere else</TD> | |
72 | </TR> | |
73 | ||
74 | <TR VALIGN="top"> | |
75 | <TD ALIGN="right">I do my online shopping at work:</TD> | |
76 | <TD ALIGN="left"><INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="F04_Shops_at_work" VALUE="frequently"> frequently<BR> | |
77 | <INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="F04_Shops_at_work" VALUE="sometimes"> sometimes<BR> | |
78 | <INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="F04_Shops_at_work" VALUE="never"> never</TD> | |
79 | </TR> | |
80 | ||
81 | <TR VALIGN="top"> | |
82 | <TD ALIGN="right">I do my online shopping at work because:</TD> | |
83 | <TD ALIGN="left"><INPUT TYPE="checkbox" NAME="F05_Shops_at_work_because" VALUE="fast connection"> the connection is faster<BR> | |
84 | <INPUT TYPE="checkbox" NAME="F05_Shops_at_work_because" VALUE="habit"> that's when I think to do it<BR> | |
85 | <INPUT TYPE="checkbox" NAME="F05_Shops_at_work_because" VALUE="doesn't have computer"> it's the only place I have Internet access<BR> | |
86 | <INPUT TYPE="checkbox" NAME="F05_Shops_at_work_because" VALUE="other reason"> some other reason<BR> | |
87 | <INPUT TYPE="checkbox" NAME="F05_Shops_at_work_because" VALUE="doesn't shop at work"> I don't shop online at work</TD> | |
88 | </TR> | |
89 | ||
90 | <TR VALIGN="top"> | |
91 | <TD ALIGN="right">Comments:</TD> | |
92 | <TD ALIGN="left"><TEXTAREA NAME="F06_Comments" ROWS="5" COLS="40" WRAP="virtual"></TEXTAREA></TD> | |
93 | ||
94 | <TR VALIGN="top"> | |
95 | <TD ALIGN="right"></TD> | |
96 | <TD ALIGN="left"><INPUT TYPE="Reset" VALUE="Clear and start over"> <INPUT TYPE="Submit" VALUE="Submit comments"></TD> | |
97 | </TR> | |
98 | </TABLE> | |
99 | </FORM> | |
100 | </BLOCKQUOTE> | |
101 | ||
102 | </BODY> | |
103 | </HTML> |